quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008

Covenente:"problems" Episode 3: The Attack

Drucoe (Commander)
Leslie (Sub-commander, gay)

(In the Command Room)
(Drucoe)- Are my Warriors ready for battle?
-Yes sir, shall we start deploying them?
(Drucoe)-No, not yet, wait until I get down, and... Where´s Leslie?
(Sometime later)
(In Leslie´s Chamber)
(Leslie)-... My milkshake brings the boys to the yard, they like. It´s better than yours, damn right. It´s better than yours, I can teach you, but...
(Knock on door)
(Leslie)-... who is it?
(Drucoe)-It´s Drucoe.
(Leslie)-He´s here, wait please... computer, set music to: I Heart Drucoe number 4.
(Music starts)
-When I get that feeling, I want to...
(Leslie)-No, number 4.
(Music starts)
-I feel good, I knew I would...
(Leslie)Number 4! ... Perfect, come in...
(Drucoe)-............ Sub-commander...
(Leslie)-Please, call me Leslie.
(Drucoe)-Leslie, I... what´s that music?
(Leslie)This, well, they say when this music starts, people just “grow” with passion...
(Drucoe)-Well turn it off, we are late for the attack.
(Leslie)-Oh, I almost forgot, the engineers fixed his “junk”.
(Drucoe)-Junk, what do you mean by... wait... by the Prophets! Why would they waste their time with that!
(Leslie)-A “special” request, and... worked perfectly...
(Drucoe)-And how do you know that? ... wait, I don´t want to Know... by the Prophets.
(In the Hanger)
(Drucoe)-Let´s go know every one...
-Sir, you have...
(Drucoe)-Don´t bug me okay. We are late for...
(Fleet Commander (F.C.)-... the attack? Get moving Drucoe!
(Drucoe)-Yes sir! Let´s go!
(Leaves the ship)

4 comentários:

DMaciel disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
DMaciel disse...

Desculpa o atraso, tive de tirar partes, aparece um novo tipo nisto... agora é ver o que vai acontecer!

Capitão Merda disse...

O meu inglês é tipo o do Sócrates, lamento...

Bom fim de semana, David!

DMaciel disse...

Bom fim de semana, Capitão.